Episode 6

Published on:

15th Feb 2025

6# Rebirth Mastermind Client Result: The Trauma Alchemist: Turning Depression into Impact, Influence & Income

In this episode of the Asian Female Entrepreneur podcast, we are joined by Rehmat from Trauma Alchemist to discuss her incredible transformation. Rehmat shares her story of overcoming depression in her twenties through somatic practices and how she now helps other women heal and empower themselves. She highlights the pivotal role of the Rebirth Mastermind, guided by the host, in her journey to pivot her business and gain clarity on her identity and mission. Rehmat goes on to talk about the importance of supportive communities and the positive impact of women lifting each other up. Additionally, she recounts the story of hosting her first retreat, a feat she initially doubted but was strongly encouraged to pursue by her coach Sharn.

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Find out about the Rebirth Mastermind


obviously the work that you do and your experience working with me, because obviously guys the rebirth mastermind doors are open right now. We're enrolling until the 24th of February. So I think when this goes out, it'll be right in the middle. and this is my mindset and marketing mastermind for Asian female entrepreneurs.

The best in the marketplace, can I just say for Asian women, I can vouch for that. So this is exactly why I wanted to bring Rehmat on because Rehmat, first of all, I love the work that you do, and second of all, I think your transformation has been nothing short of incredible, like for so many of my clients, it's always so inspiring to see so many Asian women rising, doing the work, healing their shit, healing their trauma, alchemy, alchemizing their pain.

And. Just becoming the best version of themselves. So, Rema, just tell us a little bit about who you are first.


That's literally what I believed. And I was like This is just going to be the rest of my life. I'll just keep trying to distract myself and fail and I couldn't see anything else and it was through these practices that I now share and teach about the somatic practices that I was able to completely shift the way that I felt in my body, the way that I felt in my nervous system and the way that my life was panning out.

So I've dedicated You know my working life to sharing that with others and supporting other women to do the same because it's not an easy journey and I didn't have the support and I didn't have like a framework or a methodology I was just like winging it and just trying different things and not knowing what I was doing so the process for me was really like uncomfortable and longer than it needed to be and full of trial and error.

And what I've done is I've created this methodology so that I can support women to just kind of start on the process and continue and empower themselves to completely change their lives.


It was incredible. Thank you so much for sharing that. So, Rehmat, you were in my mastermind a couple of years ago now. God, time just literally flies. And just talk us a little bit Through where you were before you started, because you pivoted your business, which I think is so interesting.


I feel like I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know, like, who I was. I didn't know who I was as a business woman or an entrepreneur or a business owner. Like. I didn't, I literally didn't know what I was doing. It's like the main overarching thing. I had no idea. And so yeah, working with you, there was a huge pivot, but I think before that I needed to get clear on like who I was and what I was doing.

And I remember a lot of the mindset work that you shared with us, You've got this like journaling practice, which I will never forget. And even just that, like it gets you clear on your own stuff. And I think including the, like your own stuff work in a business mastermind is still quite rare and that's where it starts and that's where things start to change.

So I needed to go to that level first. And then I had this massive pivot. So my business before when I started working with you was Orb Wellbeing. And so I came into this world of somatic work through yoga. And so it was based around yoga. And it was, it was very soft and gentle. And obviously, as, I evolved as a human and as I, healed and processed and released and, you know, moved through different things, I like took my business with me.

And that's like such a. I think, I think people don't talk about it, but it's such a normal thing for businesses to evolve like no business stays the same forever. And if it does it, it will like fail, you know? So, yeah, then there was this huge pivot. So I became the trauma alchemist and that was, that was some deep work.

And that work was initiated in the mastermind because I really got clear. on who I was and what I was doing and why I was doing it.


You just, you just weren't at the calls. I was like, where is Rehmat? And this is the thing about the mastermind. I think, you know, I, I don't advocate for like, I'm there for accountability. I'm there to like coach and support you, but I'm not going to be like running after people and be like, Hey, when you're on the call, like, of course, everyone's going to get tagged.

You will get tagged on Mondays to share your goals and wins for the Friday. But like, You know, it's not that kind of, co dependent coaching,




And really, I was, I remember signing up and I remember how much I agonized over basically whether I was worthy enough. Whether I was worthy enough to put money behind my vision, I literally agonized and agonized and I like was going back and forth and asking everyone about it and it's hilarious now looking back at that previous version of me because through the mastermind like so much of that worthiness stuff shifted so yeah it's, it's been such a Such a journey


Yeah. Do I trust myself? Yes. Can I back myself? Yes. And there's a lot of fear around investing in yourself because it all comes down to can I actually do it? Yeah. Am I actually worthy?


That's, that's the incredible transformative power of the must mind in being able to completely shift those blocks and all it takes is showing up and I'm, you know, I'm really proud of myself for showing up eventually and the other thing that really helped me to show up was the fact that there, there are incredible women in your community.

Like your community is not like other, Asian female communities like, like they are like just really lovely supportive women and you create this environment, which is like, let's all just support each other. And that also helped me to show up and I'm still in touch with some of the people from the mastermind and I feel like I always will be.

And yeah, so I have like lifelong friendships as well from The Mastermind. It's like, I feel like it's


They're going to be bitchy. But actually like, My experience of Asian women, maybe it's the energy that I put out and I get back that energy, but this week I have my podcast launch and I put it on my stories like I've screenshotted that photo. I, we got into podcasts yesterday, number 21 in the entrepreneurship category in the UK, which is amazing.

And the whole reason for that is because Asian women were supporting me. I didn't ask for any support, like other than my two cousins in India, I didn't ask for any support from family or friends. Like my parents, they don't have Apple phones, so they couldn't have obviously listened to it, left me a lovely review and rated it.

But other than that, it was my community. It was my previous clients as my current clients, people that are just in my community that I just chat to, you know, there's not transactional. And I think there's so much power in lifting each other up, especially as Asian women, because we all come, we're all cut from the same cloth, right?



Like all of us have these exact same blocks and the exact same things to work through. And I think that's the other thing that I really love about the mastermind because I'm now in masterminds that are created by white people, basically for white people. And that's a very different space. And, you know, It's, it's less specific to the stuff that I'm going through and I feel slightly less understood and my story feels less, yeah, understood, less able to, you know, I feel like there's less opportunities for me to unpack my stuff, whereas in the mastermind.

It was just brown women, you know, and being in a space like that, where you can just be like, Oh my God, I just feel like my family is going to judge me or I just feel like. I'm not good enough. Like, people just really get it.


And like, that sounds so trivial to like, a white woman, like. Yeah, but we totally get it. Like people just get it. And that I think that's the power of the rebirth mastermind. And I think why it's been so successful, why it's, you know, always gets booked out. And it's had so many amazing success stories. If you do the work, you have to show up.

You can't just pay for it, you know, and then not turn up. Not you, Remit, but other people. you have to put in the work as well. And that's something I've always been really honest and transparent about. Like, you know, There's so much on the portal. There's a lot of learning. It's a big learning curve, but it gives you everything that you need to create like a thriving business and for people like yourselves who put in the work and actually show up for themselves, it's life changing, you know, it's so amazing.

So if anyone is sitting on the fence. About the rebirth mastermind, what would you say to them?


It's going to be a pivotal moment in your life because it's the moment where you decide that you are worthy. So just take the step and when you look back that step is going to seem so small and insignificant compared to the steps that you're making in the future like the fact that I was cribbing about what I now see as actually a really small amount of money.

is hilarious to me now.







Yeah. So basicallythis was this just post covid. It was just post covid. And, I had this idea for a retreat. It was like an absolute dream of mine. Everyone wants to run retreats. It's like the thing that everyone wants to do. And I was like, Oh, gosh, wouldn't that be amazing? And then, I put it out there, didn't get any sign ups.

oh, I think I got like two signups or something. Yeah, you



I'm just gonna cancel it. And you said something like, but if you cancel it now, you, you just cancel it next time. Or like, you know, just do it. And it blew my mind, actually, because, you My brain couldn't even fathom the idea of actually going through with it. I think subconsciously I was never going to go through with it.

I, it was just like a fun idea. And then when you were like, no. You, you literally were like, no, you're doing it .



Actually my sixth retreat, my fourth of this exact retreat. And it's, if I hadn't done it that first time, I would not be running retreats now. I, I can say that with 100 percent certainty, if you hadn't pushed me, I wouldn't be doing it now. So thank you. God, I feel a bit emotional. I know, I


Because I've seen your retreats, I've seen the amazing work that you do. And I just think, oh my god, like imagine if there were like no treats. But that's the power of coaching and mentoring when someone can really look at your blind spots. Yes. And just be like, don't judge yourself.


Not everyone can do that. So the way that you were like. You saw that I just had this little story in my head that like, I just can't do this and you were just like, and I love that you sort of give people what they need. So like with me, you were very direct and you were like, no, you're doing it. This is what you're gonna do.

But you weren't like that with everyone because not everyone needed that at that time. So that's That's, that's a really special thing in a coach to be able to support people in different ways. Mmm.


Yeah. But because you're in, because you're in this space, you've had experience with different coaches, and like, you've always been so, You know, you speak so kindly of my work, like it just means a lot, you know, I know you're not just like bullshitting, you're like being truthful.


That's just not me, I'm




Enrollment will close around the 24th of May. I'm really, really excited. We start in March. It goes on until August. And yeah, I'm just really excited to see what kind of amazing women we have in this cohort. And Rehmat, where can everyone find you? So





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About the Podcast

Asian Female Entrepreneur Show
with Sharn Khaira
Welcome to The 'Asian Female Entrepreneur Show' hosted by Sharn Khaira, aimed at Asian women in business looking to elevate their business and mindset. The podcast covers topics such as social media, cultural barriers, Instagram and marketing strategies, business tools, and tips. Sharn shares her journey from financial struggles to becoming a successful business and mindset coach for Asian female entrepreneurs. The podcast aims to inspire, motivate, and provide actionable advice to help Asian women overcome cultural blocks and grow their businesses. Guests will bring honesty and transparency to discussions, highlighting the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Listeners are encouraged to share, rate, and review the podcast to attract more guests and enhance the content.

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Sharn Khaira