Episode 7

Published on:

17th Feb 2025

7# Breaking Through Cultural Barriers and Blocks: Juslena's Transformation Journey with Rebirth Mastermind

In this episode of the Asian Female Entrepreneur Show, the host welcomes Juslena from Nashtaa Restaurant, who shares her inspiring journey from the lockdown days to the successful entrepreneur she is today. Juslina discusses the transformative impact of joining the Rebirth Mastermind, which guided her from having no clear business vision to achieving incredible success. She highlights the importance of investing in oneself, overcoming cultural and financial blocks, and staying focused on personal and business growth. The episode provides valuable insights and advice for Asian female entrepreneurs looking to break through their own barriers and achieve their goals.

Resources and Links:

# The Asian Female Entrepreneur Club

Sharn's website Website

Connect with her on Instagram - Asian_Female_Entrepreneur - Instagram

Join her FREE Facebook Group

Find out about one-to-one mentorship

Find out about the Rebirth Mastermind


So we have the amazing Juslina from Nasdaq Cafe today. Hello. Hi everyone. It's so great to have you Juslina. Thanks for having me. Oh my God, like I'm so glad we got to do this sit down. and we're doing a little bit of a series around, my rebirth mastermind. And we're obviously interviewing, past clients have been part of the mastermind.

So, Just a couple of questions really around the mastermind because I know that so many people want to grow their business, want to release their mindset blocks, want to get more confident and they just don't know how to. And I think with a lot of Asian women, Sometimes they can really sit on their ideas.

And this is something that I've definitely gone through. And I've seen this as like a pattern sometimes with masterminders as well. And obviously you've been an amazing, like an amazing client case study because Over the last few years, obviously your personal transformation has been incredible, but also like what you've achieved in such a short space of time is nothing short than amazing.

So just take us back to like where you were before the mastermind, like it was lockdown days, right? It


It was just going to be a little cafe, and that's as far as it went, you know? So, that was all, that was where I was at. Then obviously I joined the Mastermind. So, I think for me, it just, joining the Mastermind helped me kind of, just guide me better. Yeah. And kind of, because I didn't really have a clue about business, to be honest.

I've always worked in corporate. So for me, it was just, it just gave me that little bit of insight. Obviously, the materials that you give, you know, all the kind of, on the portal you have, which are brilliant. So anyone who doesn't know about their finances or, you know, taxes or all these kind of things, like there's so much stuff you could do.

And I think that was really useful as well.


which was amazing. And I think I remember, I think you were just so busy in the lead up to opening the cafe. So I don't think you are like on all the calls. but what did you specifically for, obviously the trainings were amazing, you said, like, but what was it specifically that, like, really helped you, do you think?


And obviously, we don't want ones as well. Yeah. So that was really useful. And it's just also pushing you at your comfort zone. So for me, I think I was that sort of person that needed to be pushed because I was kind of introverted and I was a bit, like, shy and I didn't want to push myself. But I think I got that from you and the mastermind as a whole.



So, Even just to, yeah, to get rid of those blocks and just help ease that away a bit. It was just nice to have like group of women kind of on the same wavelength, you know, and you were so like encouraging and that kind of thing. So that really helped.


It's like a big thing, isn't it? And I think sometimes it's not even about finances. I know from my past experience, sometimes it can be more around, Oh, I don't trust myself. If I invest in myself, will I like actually do the work? Will I actually be a success? Will I actually follow through, you know, and that's a big thing for a lot of people, a lot of Asian women.

So I think when it like comes to you, like you've invested in yourself so much over the last few years. Obviously we've done one to one coaching, you came to my retreat, you've been at my events, like we've done so, so much together. And I know obviously outside of me, you've really invested in yourself and you've worked on yourself so much because it's not easy, being a, Asian female entrepreneur, because we do just have so many blocks to contend with.

What do you think the role of, like, investing in yourself has, like, played in your business, do you think? So




It just helps me, like, be good at what I do. And I think, like, like you said, with the blocks, there's so much to deal with, because obviously, traditionally, when you're brought up, you know, with Asian culture and all that kind of stuff, you know, you do have those blocks, you know, and you are a bit like, you know, a lot of big things like Nazir, like, you know, you don't want to, like, be excited for yourself, or, you know, in, you know, Other terms, people call it manifestation, but in our, like, culture, it's like, well, if you manifest that, you're basically doing nothing to it, you know, and it's that kind of thing, you know, and you kind of think, I know, I should bring it, it should be kind of attracting it to myself.

so it's just things like that, that you just changes your mindset.




It's just wild, and I think that, I think with you as well, Juslina, like, You have had honestly, because I know you and I think it might be hard for listeners to know what the transformation you've had, but like in your own words, like what has been, what do you think has been your biggest transformation? I think for


So I think, The kind of industry I'm in obviously with food and, you know, obviously customers and with this business, you have to network. That's so important. And now, you know, that's one of my biggest strengths. And, you know, I, and like I said before, it's shifting the mindset kind of thinking to myself.

Okay. I'm doing this for my kids as well, like not just for myself, and having that kind of confidence in myself that, you know what, I can do this, and just pushing myself. And I think, like, I've had so many amazing people around me though, like my, my mum, my family, my friends, everybody just encouraging me all the time and just telling me I can do it and, you know, and then just, Just being myself, I think, what a lot of people don't realise is that if you just kind of feel that you have to put some sort of show on or something like that, that's when you're not authentically in line with yourself, right?

So for me, I'm always myself with everybody, and I think that's what helps me, gives me the confidence that, you know, I know I'm a good person, I know I'm a nice person, so I know I can just be myself. So that's why, like, networking, even with customers as well, you know, it works well. So I think that's what kind of brought me out of my shell.




talking, you should be charging for that because I literally, I can literally talk so much. Hence why I've got a podcast now. but I think what's really great about you and what's so interesting about you is that you are a true introvert, introvert. And I can vouch for the type of person you are because I, we, you know, you've been on my retreats, you've been on my events.

Like we spent a good amount of time together. We've come to Narshtar a few times as I brought my husband. But, and I think that's so true because I think a lot of Asian female entrepreneurs think they have to be something different. they have to be, there's a persona that they should be online. And I think that you actually just have to be yourself.

And that is sometimes really hard online, especially when you get drowned out by, you know, you're looking at what other people are doing or what your competitors might be doing or other people in your industry. And I think sometimes. The biggest thing is like coming back to yourself and coming home to yourself and being your truest self, because I genuinely think that's what attracts people.

It's the energy, isn't it? It is the energy,


I'm not going to kind of, you know, you kind of can sense people's energy. And I think that's where you're a bit like, okay, you know, stay away from these people, keep with these people or whatever it is. But you know what, at the end of the day, for me with my business, it's like, I keep my full on like, tunnel vision focus.

I don't look at anybody else, not in a big headed way. I just, I don't, I don't let outside noise really affect me because I'm, I have a goal and that's what I'm focusing on. That's it. I mean, I think that's so important to do, like just focus on what you're good at. What, what is your thing? Let people do what they need to do, whatever they're going to say, whatever, and you just do your thing.





And honestly, if you invest in yourself, you will see the rewards, but you do have to put the work in as well. So it's not one of those where you invest in the mastermind and it's going to do everything for you. You have to put in the work in yourself. And I think if you're willing to do that, then it will 100 percent be worth it, and you won't regret it.


And I think that's what I see with a lot of, you know, female entrepreneurs who are really successful is they didn't just kind of give up or like stopped investing in themselves in these seasons of difficulty. That's when you need it the most because people are still buying. Yeah. Like the news just scaremongers people.

It does.





And of course, a good dose of healing because I just absolutely love healing modalities. Juslina, thank you so much for being here. And where can everyone find you? Because you've just opened up a new branch.


And so everyone can find us on Instagram, Narsha. Underscore. Restaurant, or Facebook as well.


Yeah. Thank you so much, Juslina. Thank you.

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Asian Female Entrepreneur Show
with Sharn Khaira
Welcome to The 'Asian Female Entrepreneur Show' hosted by Sharn Khaira, aimed at Asian women in business looking to elevate their business and mindset. The podcast covers topics such as social media, cultural barriers, Instagram and marketing strategies, business tools, and tips. Sharn shares her journey from financial struggles to becoming a successful business and mindset coach for Asian female entrepreneurs. The podcast aims to inspire, motivate, and provide actionable advice to help Asian women overcome cultural blocks and grow their businesses. Guests will bring honesty and transparency to discussions, highlighting the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Listeners are encouraged to share, rate, and review the podcast to attract more guests and enhance the content.

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Sharn Khaira